A financial investigation will assist you in uncovering the assets and sources of income of a private person, corporation, or legal organization.
If you currently hold bounced checks or wish to enact a verdict sentenced upon a debtor, contact us in order to get a price quote for a financial investigation. Investigators at our agency will assist you in locating real estate, vehicles, bank branches holding accounts under the debtor’s name, monthly income, clients, suppliers, life insurance rights, legal prosecutions, and more!
We can conduct an undercover investigation, approach informants, build a cover story and interrogate family members and work colleagues in order to assist you in recovering your money. Yanir Levin Intelligence Advising - A Private Investigation Agency can conduct a legitimate and thorough financial investigation for you in order to assist you in protecting an economic interest that was hurt. We have been conducting financial investigations for several years for various entities such as banks, contractor companies, insurance companies, lawyers, and private clients.
Contact us now in order to receive professional assistance and a price quote for executing a financial investigation
Telephone number 972-3-5446363
In order to receive additional information or to ask questions with complete discretion, you may contact us via the Investigation Forum.